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Showing posts from August, 2022

Week 2 Part A: Communication Between Business & Consumer

As with my views on social media in general, I believe its impact on businesses can be positive and negative. On the one hand, we've never had such close contact with businesses, and peer reviews are priceless. Before, you could complain, but no one would really see it. Now, it's noticed right away (by both the business and consumers), and businesses really have to pay attention to their customers' needs. On the flip side, people can be unfairly unkind and vindictive for seemingly no reason. I certainly think it's harder on small businesses (for huge businesses like airlines and such, I don't mind if people write negative reviews all day! haha), but it's hard when small businesses are impacted negatively by unfair reviews. Sometimes I'm skeptical of the reviews I read because I wonder if people were paid to write them. I wonder about the motivation in general. But overall, I find them very helpful (not to mention sometimes very entertaining). I personally do

Week1: Blogs I Commented On

There was only one blog available to comment on in my group: Carlos: So I also commented on these:  Kristy: Amy: My name appears as "sdsd" for some reason in the comments, but I made sure to add my blog link in there as well UPDATE: it looks like my group changed from 3 to 2, so I went ahead and commented on two more people from group 2 just in case! Casey: Pablo:

Week1 B: Social Media Use Today

Ironically, this post finds me in the middle of a personal social media hiatus! With work, kids, and now school, I felt like it was something else I was trying to keep up with, and I needed a little break! I'm sure I'll be back on soon. To me, social media is a way to share my life with my extended friends and family, and to see what they are doing, as well. Especially in the last two years, there wasn't too much in-person time, so social media was my only connection to a lot of people.  I personally use Instagram most. I don't post too often, but I like to see other people's stories and watch funny videos/share them with friends. I use Facebook just to do research on fishing in Mexico for a freelance job I do. And I run the Twitter account for a long-form journalism site, so I use that on a daily basis to post articles, as well as run ads on the platform. I do look at TikTok a bit for a couple of my clients at work, but I don't check it out often. I feel like I

Week1A: My Spooky Blog Theme

Welcome to my blog! I chose this theme because, well, fall is approaching and my daughter and I love Halloween. Why not get in the "spirit" already? This coral/orange color felt urgent but also fun! I felt this theme had a clean, user-friendly look too-- which is likely what you want when you have people quickly scrolling through content, right? I changed a few of the fonts to make them more legible (no italics, for example). I'm planning to make some more adjustments depending on how many photos I use and whether the format is working in terms of the content I'm putting out.  *Noting here that I wrote these as three separate paragraphs, but the theme joined them all together. I even tried altering the html language... to no avail. Anyway, I need to figure out how to create separate paragraphs on this blog! Let the learning experience begin!