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Week1A: My Spooky Blog Theme

Welcome to my blog! I chose this theme because, well, fall is approaching and my daughter and I love Halloween. Why not get in the "spirit" already? This coral/orange color felt urgent but also fun!

I felt this theme had a clean, user-friendly look too-- which is likely what you want when you have people quickly scrolling through content, right? I changed a few of the fonts to make them more legible (no italics, for example).

I'm planning to make some more adjustments depending on how many photos I use and whether the format is working in terms of the content I'm putting out. 

*Noting here that I wrote these as three separate paragraphs, but the theme joined them all together. I even tried altering the html language... to no avail. Anyway, I need to figure out how to create separate paragraphs on this blog! Let the learning experience begin!


  1. Hi Megan! I love the theme you picked out. My family and I take Halloween seriously. We start visiting Spirit stores as soon as they open.

    1. haha that's awesome! I saw a few are already open!

  2. Hi Megan! I'm not sure if urgent is the description I would use - but it is a good one. Orange always makes me think of caution or slowing down because of the ways its used in safety items (caution cone, hunting vest, etc.) I also LOVE Halloween and its always a good time for decorating and getting ready. What is you and your daughters favorite tradition or Halloween activity? I see the paragraphs here so maybe you figured it out without realizing. I'm looking forward to how your blog is going to grow!

    1. Oh thank you! Yeah I guess I figured it out without even knowing! Love to hear you are a fellow Halloween fan! Maybe we all need to share our Halloween costumes with each other when the time comes. Our neighborhood goes NUTS at Halloween, so it's a super fun place to be. We are right down the hill from Mira Costa-- people come from elsewhere to check out our street! Know what you're going to be for Halloween yet?

  3. Hey Megan, I love the color scheme! "Spooky" was the exact word that entered my mind when I saw it and I like how you addressed it right away. Are you and your family going to do anything special for this Halloween? My sister and I were planning on going to Knott's Scary Farm again later this year.

    1. Oooo Knott's Scary Farm!!! I haven't been since I was a kid. Have a blast if you go! We went to Knott's in the spring and had a great time.

  4. I LOVE the spooky theme! As a major Halloween lover it caught my attention right away. Very original idea!


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