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Week 14: Social Media Management Tools

After reading a bit about the social media management tools, I would try Sprout Social first probably because it was ranked higher and has a long free trial. I've also had friends use Hootsuite, and it seems helpful because it includes both regular posting and social media ads. 

I've used TweetDeck before to do social posts for a website called the Sunday Long Read, and it's a great tool for scheduling tweets. It's also totally free, which makes it super handy. I know it has a lot of other features, but I haven't used the analytics or anything else yet. 

I think, with any of the above tools, I would use the scheduling feature and analytics feature for my business. Honestly, I would also probably just use the free versions for now too since I don't have a budget or any other staff besides myself to post.

I commented on Amy Mather's blog and learned that Zoho was the easiest scheduler to try without having to input a lot of credit card info and stuff. I think it's cool Zoho shows you your "brand health!" I'm curious to see what that means and eager to try it out for my brand. I also commented on Pablo's blog about Status Brew. I hadn't heard of that tool and like the idea that you can manage customer feedback through that platform. I think the custom hashtag feature is interesting too. Lastly, I commented on Alex's blog, where I learned about Loomly. It seemed similar to the other management software, with comparable pricing. I think overall it might be helpful to just do a trial membership with one of the products and see how it goes!


  1. Agree with the free versions! I would take advantage of the free scheduling and data collecting as well. Once the free trial ends, on to the next one. Lol


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