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Week 17: Wrapping It Up

I had a great time playing around with different social posts in this class and learning about new social platforms + some of my classmates' businesses. It's really cool to see how people right in my community are working hard to make their businesses as good as they can be! I don't think my viewpoint of social media has changed over the last few months, but my awareness of what's possible through it has changed. For example, I never thought to use meetup or Linkedin for my business. I definitely have a better understanding of how to use social media to develop a business, especially in terms of creating a newsletter, scheduling and experimenting with different forms of social media. I also found the research we did on our target market and possible hashtags to be helpful. I will definitely be incorporating some of those hashtags into more of my posts. I would say that in looking at other businesses, I noticed that the ones that seemed successful and popular on social p
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Week 16 Part B: Building Out Your Strategy

Content calendar Week of 12/11-18 Do a FB and IG post on Jingle Terrace lights (including images) Post a list of kid-friendly, family-friendly gifts or stocking stuffers (create on Amazon) Post poll: Are you using Elf on the Shelf to get your kids to be "nice" not "naughty" this time of year? :-) Try out a TikTok Reel of Jingle Terrace (video) Post on Oside Boat Parade (carousel photos) Look at number of likes and comments on posts and respond to comments (1 hour) Week of 12/18-25 FB and IG post on Teddy Bear Tea experience at Aviara hotel (photos and video) Create a FB Ad with a budget of $30 to run for a month Share FamDiego's list of best places to see lights on Facebook Post IG story of Trader Joe's Gingerbread House as an easy option for family fun (photos and video) Post on things to do around Hanukkah in North County Post on the San Marcos skating rink and other activities there (photos and video) Look at number of likes and comments on posts and resp

Week 16 Part A: Developing Your Marketing Strategy

In terms of planning my future strategy, I think Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok are the best platforms for me, as well as perhaps an email newsletter once I get a stronger following. I definitely want to better utilize hashtags in all of my posts and really figure out which ones bring in new people. I need to spend more time retweeting others' posts, as well, and following people I might want to follow ME. I know my sister did that for her business in St. Louis and that approach worked really well for her. It's a nice way to be active rather than passive in terms of getting new followers. I personally enjoyed using Facebook and Instagram most in this class, particularly IG stories and general posts. I think those same stories could be used on TikTok too as reels, which I'm excited to test out. I'd also say the platforms that came easiest for me to use were Facebook and Instagram. Other things like LinkedIn felt a little forced since my business is pretty inform

Week 15 Part B: What we Learn from FaceBook Analytics

Unfortunately, I don't have enough followers to track my analytics on Facebook yet. So I read about Apple's privacy policy changes. This was quite fascinating! I didn't know this, but apps now have to ask your permission when they want to track you through other apps and sites owned by other companies.  I guess Apple has a totally new privacy feature—the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) — that makes it harder for apps and sites to follow you and see your behavior. According to Forbes , technically speaking, it does this by "revoking access to the identifier for advertisers (IDFA), the unique code assigned to each user. Apple can police this on a technical level because when you say no to tracking, advertisers receive a string of zeros instead of the code." That is really interesting! As a user, I find this beneficial since I don't want my info out there to anyone who wants it. But as someone who would need to attract followers through social posts and ads on p

Wk15A: Using Google Analytics to Improve your Marketing: FA22 CSIT 155 1574

I think I could use Google Analytics to see how many page views I'm getting, what time of day, how much people interact with my site, etc. I had a chance to look at what my site is doing now, and it was interesting to see how many new users I had and how long they stayed on my site.  From the reading, I was reminded to check out “What’s Trending” in various social media to see what people are talking about. I believe that was also a tip mentioned in the textbook. For example, if parents in San Diego are posting about crowded xmas tree lots, I could write a post on the "Least crowded xmas tree farms" or "Most affordable places to get your xmas tree this year." I also think I could use Google ads to increase my brand presence and target people searching for things to do in San Diego or people who had looked at similar blogs, perhaps.  It's interesting that you can also anticipate future customer actions with Google’s machine learning. That's a really cool

Week 14: Social Media Management Tools

After reading a bit about the social media management tools, I would try Sprout Social first probably because it was ranked higher and has a long free trial. I've also had friends use Hootsuite, and it seems helpful because it includes both regular posting and social media ads.   I've used TweetDeck before to do social posts for a website called the Sunday Long Read, and it's a great tool for scheduling tweets. It's also totally free, which makes it super handy. I know it has a lot of other features, but I haven't used the analytics or anything else yet.  I think, with any of the above tools, I would use the scheduling feature and analytics feature for my business. Honestly, I would also probably just use the free versions for now too since I don't have a budget or any other staff besides myself to post. I commented on Amy Mather' s blog and learned that Zoho was the easiest scheduler to try without having to input a lot of credit card info and stuff. I thin

Week 13 PartB: Developing Online Advertising

I created a few potential ads for FB and Instagram above. In my next attempt, I need to figure out how to alter the copy below the image. I tried doing a couple of general ads and then a few that boosted some of my more popular posts.  I've done Twitter ads for a website before and those seemed easy to create/monitor, so in the future, I would definitely try to do some on Twitter for North County Fam.  For social ads, I think my main objective would be to build brand awareness, establish an online presence and engage with people. I'm not selling anything (yet), so I'd just be utilizing the ads to get more people to my social pages and subscribe to my newsletter.